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I forgot my password! Our upgrade is done! Everything should work just like before; if you notice anything funny, please let us know. On Sunday, December 7, Gimlet will be unavalable from 9PM Midnight, Central Time for a major server upgrade. You can now use more characters in tags. Curious about the Heartbleed bug and Gimlet? See this post on our blog. Curious about the bug in general? .
How to easily incorporate evidence-based librarianship into your professional practice. Materials and Powerpoint for lauc-b Workshop. October 23, 2013 by Stephanie. Small Data Assessment and Action Research. On October 25, 2013. Working Definition of Action Research. October 2, 2013 by Resources for Evidence Based Research in Libraries. Action Research Powerpoint June 2011. Action Research Powerpoint from CARL 2012. At the end of .
For future updates from the Charlotte Law Library and the Charlotte School of Law! Filed under General Charlotte School of Law Information. How can you be a librarian and not be intrigued by the title of this book? At long last.
Holly Duggan, Love Library, University of Nebraska at Lincoln. Comes out of the ALA Emerging Leader program project. Start with a theme, but can customize everything.
2018 Board Elections and Candidate Details. You will receive one email per contested position. Voting will be open through March 31, 2018. Information about each candidate follows. Please join the Board in thanking all of them for their support of the organization.
I wrote earlier about our CollectiveAccess workflow for uploading objects. One-by-one and in a batch. We also use a private GitHub repository. This is only one example of a CollectiveAccess workflow! See the user-created documentation.
Lapin kirjastojen kirjastojärjestelmäprojektin vetäjä miettii, millaista järjestelmää tarvitaan ja mitä sillä tehdään tulevaisuuden kirjastossa. Tammikuussa oli huojentunut olo - noin tunnin verran. Kirjastojärjestelmän ohjausryhmä kokoontui viimeisen kerran ja puheenjohtaja napautti projektin päättyneeksi. Mutta eihän sitä huojennusta kestänyt kuin hetkinen, kun saman tien polkaistiin käyntiin samaisen ohjausryhmän uusi työpa.
Nathan Vack
2222 Lafollette Ave
Madison, Wisconsin, 53704
United States US
Sidecar Publications, LLC
Eric Larson
121 N. 6th St
Madison, Wisconsin, 53704
United States US
Welcome to the Prewise Gimlet learning environment. Powered by Prewise Gimlet 2018.
Powered by Prewise Gimlet 2015.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011. Wow, it is addictive. Are you pinning yet? If you are, let me know, and I will follow you. Monday, May 23, 2011. SoI know I have been hiding under a rock, but how did I miss Mom Filter. the site is just full of easy breesy, fun ideas. Is all about Nola this issue.
Friday, October 31, 2008. Of course, this sobering editorial in alt-news car site The Truth About Cars.
TFS Owens, Wade, Holland-Hollon Clipping. Task Force Smith POWs Released. If you have any photos in regards to the 21st Infantry please e-mail me. If you found this site searching for someone who was in the Korean War please e-mail me. I am attempting to restore some of the 21st Infantry Regiments OLD history. Most has been forgotten or summarized to a few sentences in the history books. THE SOUL OF OUR SAM. The swords that once in battle rang,.